Michael Lerner

Michael Lerner Net Worth, Political Career, Rabbi

US $3 Million
November 29, 2023

What is the net worth of Michael Lerner?

Michael Lerner net worth is estimated to be US$ 3 Million.

Net WorthUS$ 3 Million
BornFebruary 7, 1943
Full NameMichael Lerner
Country of OriginNewark, New Jersey, United States
Source of WealthPolitical activism and writer
Marital StatusMarried
Spouse(s)Nan Fink (div. 1991)
Deborah Kohn-Lerner (m. 1998 – div. 2014)
Cat Zavis (m. 2015)
ChildrenAkiva Jeremiah Lerner
Famous ForHis political activism and his involvement in progressive causes.

Michael Lerner (rabbi): The Life and Legacy of a Social Activist

Michael Lerner is an American political activist, the editor of Tikkun, a progressive Jewish interfaith magazine based in Berkeley, California, and the rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in Berkeley. He is well-known for his efforts to promote progressive politics, social justice, and a compassionate society.

In this article, We will talk about Michael Lerner net worth, career, legacy and more.

Early Life and Education

Michael Lerner was born in Newark, New Jersey, United States, on February 7, 1943 to a Jewish family of immigrants from Eastern Europe. His parents were politically progressive and socially active, and their ideals and values greatly influenced Lerner’s upbringing. He attended the public schools in Brooklyn and later enrolled in Columbia University, where he studied philosophy and psychology, and became involved in student politics and civil rights activism. In 1966, he graduated with honors and received a scholarship to attend the University of California, Berkeley, where he pursued a Ph.D. in philosophy.

Michael Lerner

Activism and Social Justice

Michael Lerner advocacy and activism covered a broad range of social and political issues. These included civil rights, environmentalism, feminism, anti-war movements and LGBT rights, as well as economic justice. He was an active member of the New Left, the counterculture of 1960s and 1970s, and worked closely with figures like Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, and Tom Hayden.

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Lerner began to be involved in Jewish activism in the 1980s and promoted the idea of Tikkun Olam, which in Hebrew means “repairing the world”. Tikkun, a Jewish magazine, was founded by Michael Lerner. It aimed to bridge the gap between spirituality, social justice, as well as to promote a progressive Jewish identity. The Network of Spiritual Progressives was also created by him. This network sought to challenge dominant neoliberal ideologies and conservative ones in American politics, and promote a more compassionate society.

Writings and Publications

Michael Lerner was a prolific author and writer, publishing many articles, essays and books on a variety of subjects. Some of his most prominent works are:

  • The Politics of Meaning (1991): This book described Lerner’s vision of progressive politics that values dignity, care, and spirituality and advocated for a new contract that addresses the root causes of economic and social injustice.
  • Jewish Renewal: The Path to Healing, Transformation (1994): This book examined Lerner’s ideas about Jewish spirituality, ethics and social activism and served as a framework for the Jewish revival movement.
  • Spirit Matters: Global Healing, the Wisdom of the Soul (2000: Lerner’s original concept of “politics of Meaning” was expanded upon and a new paradigm of spiritual political thought proposed by this book. It emphasized the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of healing.

Controversies and Criticisms

Michael Lerner activism and ideas were not without controversy and criticisms, and he often faced opposition and backlash from both the right and the left. Some of the main criticisms of Lerner’s work include:

  1. Michael was accused of being too utopian and idealistic, and of neglecting the practical realities of politics and economics.
  2. He was criticized for his advocacy of a “politics of meaning” that some saw as being too focused on individualism and spirituality, and not enough on collective action and material change.
  3. He was accused of being too accommodating to mainstream liberal and progressive politics, and of not being radical enough in his vision and strategy.
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Despite these criticisms, Lerner remained committed to his principles and continued to inspire and mobilize people across the political spectrum.

Legacy and Impact

Many aspects of American society as well as politics can be traced back to Michael Lerner’s influence and legacy. His ideas and principles have inspired a generation leaders, thinkers and activists. His advocacy for a more compassionate, caring, and just society continues his challenge and inspiration.

Lerner’s emphasis upon spirituality, ethics and healing as vital components of social and politically change has had a lasting effect on progressive movements and organisations and helped to bridge the gap between religious and secular activism.

Many people have embraced his call for a new social contract that values the human dignity, care and love of all as the foundation of a just society. This has been a strong critique of conservatism and neoliberalism.

Michael Lerner

Favorite Quotes from Michael Lerner

Every time we act to improve the life of another, we send forth a ripple of hope. — Michael Lerner

The power of love is greater than the love of power. — Michael Lerner

We are not meant to be passive observers of our own fate. We are the agents of our own destiny. — Michael Lerner

Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Lerner

Q. What was Michael Lerner’s most famous book?

A. Michael Lerner’s most famous book is “The Politics of Meaning,” which outlines his vision of a progressive politics based on human dignity, caring, and spirituality.

Q. What is Tikkun Olam?

A. Tikkun Olam is a Hebrew term that means “repairing the world,” and is a central concept in Jewish ethics and spirituality. Michael Lerner popularized the term as a way of promoting social and political activism as a form of spiritual practice.

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Q. Was Michael Lerner a rabbi?

A. Yes, Michael Lerner was ordained as a rabbi in 1995, and was a prominent figure in the Jewish renewal movement.

Q. What was Michael Lerner’s main criticism of mainstream progressive politics?

A. Michael Lerner’s main criticism of mainstream progressive politics was that it neglected the spiritual and ethical dimensions of social change, and focused too narrowly on material and economic issues. He advocated for a more holistic and compassionate approach to politics, based on the values of love, caring, and spiritual renewal.


Michael Lerner was a visionary, activist and teacher. His life and work represented the values spiritual renewal, compassion and social justice. His ideas and principles still hold great importance in today’s world.

Michael vision, example, and inspiration can be a source of inspiration. It will help us to build a more just and compassionate society, as we face the challenges of inequality, injustice, and environmental crisis.

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